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[Eng] Higher "Cultural Standard" ?

Why are there fewer corona deaths in Japan than in Western countries? When asked so, Japan's deputy prime minister Mr. Taro Aso replied that it was because the "cultural standard" is different.

"Cultural standard"? He said that the "cultural standard# of Japan is higher than other countries. This was the result of voluntary restraint of Japanese people, without the government taking any strong measures. As it say, Japanese people have higher "cultural standard" than other countries.

It is true that the number of corona deaths in Japan is much lower than in the West. However, it is actually one of the highest compared to other Asian countries. If compared with other Asian countries, we can say that Japan has lower "cultural standard".

I remember two things. First, the reason Japan started World War II was the idea of a superior Japan liberating a lagging Asia. It was said that civilized Japan had to teach and guide other Asia that had not been civilized yet. Even until now, not small number of Japanese people still believe that "cultural standard" of Japan is more advanced than that of Asia.

Mr. Aso is one of them. But not only Mr. Aso, but also many high-ranking officials think so, too. They recognize themselves as elite, as who are especially chosen and are different from other ordinary people.

Despiy are there fewer corona deaths in Japan than in Western countries? When asked so, Japan's deputy prime minister Mr. Taro Aso replied that it was because the "cultural standard" is different.

"Cultural standard"? He said that the "cultural standard# of Japan is higher than other countries. This was the result of voluntary restraint of Japanese people, without the government taking any strong measures. As it say, Japanese people have higher "cultural standard" than other countries.

It is true that the number of corona deaths in Japan is much lower than in the West. However, it is actually one of the highest compared to other Asian countries. If compared with other Asian countries, we can say that Japan has lower "cultural standard".

I remember two things. First, the reason Japan started World War II was the idea of a superior Japan liberating a lagging Asia. It was said that civilized Japan had to teach and guide other Asia that had not been civilized yet. Even until now, not small number of Japanese people still believe that "cultural standard" of Japan is more advanced than that of Asia.

Mr. Aso is one of them. But not only Mr. Aso, but also many high-ranking officials think so, too. They recognize themselves as elite, as who are especially chosen and are different from other ordinary people. Unfortunately, despising feeling to Asia by Japanese people is still existed.

Second, there is a question whether "cultural standard" can be calculated or not. That says standard but the standard is not clear. Maybe I imagine it related to civilization. But who civilized who? We can remember it as colonization. Some standard from the West had been introduced and trying to be as same as the West was regarded as the civilized. It looks like higher culture and lower one.

Who can evaluate the culture A is high and the culture B is low?

Using the term "cultural standard" becomes the source of discrimination. In this sense, not small number of Japanese including Mr. Aso still think that Japan or Japanese people is more civilized or has higher "cultural standard" than other countries.

It is the same sentiment as when Japan started the war.

I think many people will laugh at Mr. Aso who used the term "cultural standard". We should not use the term "cultural standard" without any clear standard. Yes, there is obviously no clear standard. But it is also usual that I often hear the using "cultural standard" when people talk about foreigners.

The root of discrimination in Japan is very deep.


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